it won't save the world.
But you'll feel darn good about it.
Minnesota Grown Launches Improved 2009-2010 On-line Directory
The MDA's Minnesota Grown Program just launched a new and much improved online Minnesota Grown Directory statewide directory of farms, farmers markets, orchards and others who market directly to the consumer. it won't save the world.
But you'll feel darn good about it.
Minnesota Grown Launches Improved 2009-2010 On-line Directory
The improvements make it much easier for consumers to find farms and markets in their area, get and print travel directions using Google Maps, print specific listings or to e-mail listings to friends. The new online Minnesota Grown Directory also has several enhancements for listed farms, including the ability to add a farm logo, farm picture and a thumbnail of the farm's homepage. Farms can also add special announcements and events without changing their printed listings.