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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Homework can be fun

Here's my statement of faith from Theological Foundations Part 1. May this knowledge overflow in a deeper relationship with him. 
In the beginning of existence, God existed. He was in the beginning, completely satisfied in His own personhood expressed in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Trinity. Delight was within and without, and nothing was lacking, so it was out of an overflow of love that God spoke everything into existence. Indeed, nothing exists apart from Him, visible or invisible.[i] That means every tree, mountain, drop of water, tare of wheat, robin’s song, and star- all came from God’s breath and power, as well as invisible things such as bacteria, DNA, gravity, and wind.[ii] We could endlessly praise Him for all that we see and do not see on earth and in space.
Invisible among God’s creation are beings called angels; created to serve God in heaven and earth.[iii]  In His generous nature, God gives beings the choice to worship Him. Some angels chose to disobey God and align against his purposes; these angels are demons. The leader of all Demons is Satan. The chief work of Satan is to deceive people about who God is; He lies, cheats, steals, and deceives to keep people sinning and keep them away from encountering Jesus Christ. It is by God’s authority that Satan has any power. Ultimately, there will be eternal punishment for God’s demonic enemies, but in this age, they rule as God allows.[iv]
Among all of God’s creation, He designed human beings to reflect unique aspects of His character. The first human beings, Adam and Eve, chose to disobey God’s command and sin. Sin is a deliberate action or inaction that separates us from God’s commands- it sets us against God, against His character, and it destroys our fellowship with Him. Since that day, all human beings inherit a sinful bent from their Father Adam. This is the outward disobedience, the internal attitudes, and the sinful nature. All of the dimensions of sin mean the wrath of God remains rightly on all human beings. ALL have sinned. All are separated from God and spiritually dead. Only by being born again through faith in Christ is that sinful nature broken. God chose some people to pardon through the work of Jesus Christ. God calls certain people to believe in the life and death of Jesus Christ.[v]  By faith they should be saved from wrath, and receive eternal life to be with God. Others remain under His wrath. He is the potter, destining vessels for honor and dishonor, salvation and wrath.
God created human beings to have a relationship with Him. God designed human relationships to reflect him, such as the relationship of marriage that unites one man and woman together for life. Marriage is a reflection of God’s Covenantal relationship to His collective people (the church).[vi] In fact, the creation of human beings as male and female reflects an equality of personhood in God’s image with unique roles, just as there are specific roles within the Trinity.[vii]
God chose a time in history to send the second person of the Trinity, His Son, to earth to inhabit a human body. Born as an ethnically Jewish baby, his birth and life and death fulfilled the Bible’s prophesies, his Mother being a virgin name Mary, and his father being God. Jesus lived for approximately 30 years in Nazareth, Israel, before beginning publically teaching, healing, and resurrecting the dead. He lived a perfect life, died through crucifixion, and rose from the dead.[viii]
The bad news that every human being needs to hear is that they are separated from God and under his wrath. The good news that every human being needs to hear is that Jesus Christ offers hope and life. Jesus’ death and life purchases forgiveness for the sins of the people called by God and offers His perfect, stainless life as righteousness to cover our sin, to justify us, and to remove condemnation. God cannot forgive sin apart from blood and sacrifice; even perfect obedience to the Law could not buy it. Only through repenting of sin and trusting in the work of Jesus Christ on the cross.  How do the “called” know they are called? They hear the good news that God sent His Son, and that whosoever believes in Him shall not die but have eternal life. At the end of time, God promises to gather people from every tribe, tongue, and nation as His own people to live with Him forever.[ix]
God the father sends the third person of the Trinity, His Holy Spirit, to those who believe. The Holy Spirit is a reality, not just a fact of doctrine. The Holy Spirit brings God’s presence in power, convicting of sin, giving peace in fear, performing miracles, bearing fruits, all of which are impossible in human strength alone. The Holy Spirit also empowers the Word of God, the Bible. The Bible illuminates God’s authoritative voice. The church recognized God’s voice in certain writings that were tested for consist and for not confirming anything contrary to fact. The church collected them in the Bible- sixty-six books, the Old and New Testament.  God inspired the many writers with His thoughts perfectly; the Bible is His infallible voice. The Bible is still “God breathed” today; His word never returns void, but accomplishes His purposes.[x] 
All glory to God Forever and Ever.

[i] Genesis 1:1, John 1:1-3, Colossians 1:16.
[ii] Psalm 24:1-2.
[iii] Hebrews 1:7.
[iv] 2 Corinthians 4:4, Ephesians 2:1-3, Revelation 20:7-10.
[v] John 10:14-15.
[vi] Genesis 1:26-28, Matthew 10:28, Ephesians 5:22-33.
[vii] Joel 2:28.
[viii] Acts 2:22-32
[x] Luke 24:44; Hebrews 1:1-2; Isaiah SOMETHING