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Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Saturday, December 06, 2014
Prayer: becoming actively aware

Monday, December 01, 2014
Picking up the mirror
I was asking the Lord what was on His heart for my fellowship yesterday morning. What I heard was “oneness, unity” and “Let love abound more and more.”
So I prayed for this, waiting to hear confirmation in other people’s prayers or songs or sermon. I ended up being in nursery and helping with coffee, so I missed the prayer time and the sermon and didn’t hear other words of confirmation. Later, someone asked me about an issue that we’ve been talking about for months and is still undecided. I want to be understanding of where they are coming from. But I still don’t see a clear or easy way forward- and the concerns are so circular- “you can move forward, but…” I am just ready to drop it, because I am at this yellow light. Give me a red or a green, but don’t keep me waiting at the yellow light! Please!
Then I was praying this morning, after complaining to my roommate last night about this situation. And the Lord reminded me of my prayer for unity. Then the light bulb goes on… (thank you, merciful, Lord, patient with those slow of understanding).“Oh, maybe He gave me that Word because I was going to encounter a situation where I needed to let love abound, and myself repent of attitudes and divisive actions that disturb unity. Maybe I needed to forgive and step toward unity and oneness which I was praying toward.”
How like the Lord to give me a burden/Word, which I think is for someone else, and then it’s for me!
Well Hallelujah! I am the messy one, full of brokenness, and yes I need Him! Oh Lord, please forgive me for my frustration and bad attitude and complaining. Please forgive me and free me by Jesus’ blood. Thank you! I rejoice that this situation is happening, and that you are working, and that you are teaching me. You are not distant, but you are hands-on, working, directing, and teaching. Thank you so much. Amen.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
God's doings
Sunday, November 02, 2014
Spirit Break Out: A Prayer
You are not indifferent to us, no, JESUS you are continually desiring us. Spirit, break out and mark us with grace-oriented lives, born out of experiencing your lavish love and delight in us, You wash us clean by Jesus' blood. You are the Eternal One. All POWER is in you. All power to heal. All power to set free from fear. From sin. Break out freedom in our Identity in Christ, healing, and the power of belonging to you. Our truest friend. We are your people, you are our God.
And then all this praying overflowed in to prose:
Now (do you hear this) As the Holy Spirit He lives within us
One God, Eternal and Triune!
Oh, how hospitable our God!
He has invited us in.
He has prepared a meal to sup with us. Forever!
We are his people, he is our God
We are the bride, he is the groom
We are the harlot whom he redeemed
We are the orphan whom he adopted
We are the lost sheep whom he found
How great is your love
I need, I need, I need an encounter with you
and You are breaking through, Jesus.
(This is still true, too-late on this Sunday night. I still need an encounter(s)/continual encountering and you ARE breaking through, Jesus. Amen).
Monday, October 27, 2014
The meaning behind
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Winter in Duluth Skirt (circa 2012)
Prayer for a Lost One (circa 2013)
Just calling this restless one
To your Only Son
Turning this rule tester
Into a righteous law keeper
Lavishing love on one who walks as an enemy!
Father, saturate this lost one
in your light, take away everything until she sees your might!
Your mighty love,
your surpassing peace,
your unceasingly compassion, your loving that won't cease.
She tries to disobey,
in order to drive your love away,
but oh no,
You won't go.
She tries to be satisfied,
by feeding all her sinful desires,
but oh no,
they won't abate.
Drive her to the end of self,
then open her eyes to your wealth!
Amen, in Jesus Name, save ________!!! Bring HOPE AND FAITH where there is discouraging news, there is only good news in heaven! How are you going to use this, Father?? Let us be expectant to see Jesus work. Give mentors joy and wisdom. Amen.
Context: A friend shared a heart-wrenching story about her "mentee"- she meets with a young lady each week, and sometimes it is frustrating and hard. This poem and prayer was a response to her story.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
I will love them freely
Sunday, August 10, 2014
-Charles Spurgeon
Tuesday, August 05, 2014
The call on your life
Monday, April 14, 2014
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Sought out
laying my life at your feet
to see your eyes,
what expression meets me?
I wait, to see
Loving kindness
patient, tender care
to be sought out
and loved
more than I dared
to hope...
that's how you love me.
yet again,
the troubles of this life weigh heavy
tragedy, devastation, and weeping
who can lift the burdens of this load?
(Only one)
Only the Son of Man
Only the Son of God
Only Jesus
Lord, you give rest to the weary
Lord, you seek out the lost and the lonely
Lord, you carried our griefs and bore our sorrows
Lord, you provide hope for tomorrow
To be sought out
and loved
more than I dared
to know...
that's how you love me...
that's how you love me...
and you love me
and you love me
that's how you love me.
Monday, February 10, 2014
I give it all to you, trusting.
Yes, the idealist-mediator-scarer not only suggested, but curated and led a brilliant charge-
icy awkwardness, phone checking, crunch, crunch, umm...good guac....the strain was heavier than the air 17 floors up, the coldness between former friends more bitter than the air. Oh, apart from the great reconciler, we are unreconciled, and unwilling. And the "idealistic," "kind," "naive," and yes, single, scarecrow can't help anyone.
"We never need doubt the love of Christ. We have plenty of solid evidence. But there may be times when we might wonder just how much Jesus delights himself in us. It is true that bearing the Father's wrath on the cross was the ultimate test of how immense Christ's love is, but our soul wants to know more. I want to know how passionately, how intensely he feels about me. Did Jesus desire to come to earth? Or was it a matter of fulfilling divine duty? The question is answered in blood. There is a word that marks the love of Christ and that word is, "excessive." His love for you overflows all reason, all expectations, all your HOPES and DREAMS...Christ's love emanates powerful emotion. For him to die for you, is for him to be delighted in you" -Joni Eareckson Tada, God's Precious Love