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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Jet-lag faith

Maybe it’s jet-lag 
Crossing half the world in half a day;
Time zones, date lines, Meridian markers.
In one night you wake up on the other side 
And you believe anything is possible
So of course we would hear angel’s songs 
In the late evening living room.

It’s not a too far off sort of miracle,
It’s just a flight away,
A ladder’s width to descend.
The dreamer Jacob saw this,
The Son spoke of it before ascending 
In fact He was welcomed by the such voices 
So the song hasn’t stopped, nor ever-

“Glory to God in the highest,”
Arises, same strains sonneted 
From Bethlehem to Istanbul.
Was it the jet-lag to so easily accept 
The praise that came from mouths unseen?
Simple faith to agree that His flamed-tongued ministers are deployed 

For times such as these? 
To acknowledge by faith
Supernatural song belongs in my vocabulary. 
Awake or jet-lagging
Here or there or in between,  
We say, we hear, we agree; glory be.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Intercession and poetry

My son,
I see your eyes;
Weary and restless.

My son, are you patient enough for poetry? 
To sit for a meal, not just a bite?
To gaze and behold, not just look?
To listen for tones, not just orders?

My son, you have been zealous
Release your bitterness from long waiting
Repent your frustration from circumstance 
Restore your heart to first love 
Out of your emptiness I invite you to My rest.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Who else does this
Puts their precious words out 
Like bread for ducks 
The flock quacks, bites, squabbles 
Until they are gone 

Sunday, October 13, 2019


Queued bodies
Shuffling between lobbies 

Ground to sky cadence 
Transference or transcendence 

Body’s creases 
Mind’s semblance ceases 

To be under dateline conventions
Air-pressure tensions

Gaining, losing 
GMT arithmetic proofing

A Chronology of before, now, and further seems
Forever dreams 

Was it the end of the world or 
The beginning 

Friday, October 11, 2019

Lemon Verbena

Nicole’s garden, past Damascus Gate
Tranquility abiding in the midst of the bustling and honking; striving 
The sun filters past the branches, a shifting mosaic of shadows 
By season she taught and loved the precious children, ones broken and set aside, disfigured, hurting She blew a refreshing breeze over them, 
And they grew in her care
Now she grows herbs, flowers, 
Cultivated beauty, stacked pots meandering
Shaded by Lemon Verbana
She makes tea from fresh crushed leaves 
For old friends
She grows peace in Jeruschalajim
May she know Peace in Jeruschalajim

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Waiting bones

Kidron Valley lined with bones upon bones
generations in tombs of stone 
Facing the gate for the coming One
We wait for the waiting to be done

Sunday, October 06, 2019

In the desert

The worst is the ‘shoulds’
The swollen feet
The impatient glares 
The graceless margins, famished for kindness
How can you grow love in the desert? 
One tear at a time 

Friday, October 04, 2019

Palms raised

One understandable phrase, ‘Amerika’ from the driver’s radio
Rumbling of Central Station buses exiting the ramp
From the third seat, my eye level with rooftops where
The fan palms raise their laughing branch in unceasing thanks
Awoken day by day 
Sun’s rays gathering from fragments of night, 
Sideways past the pain with clever perk 
Kneeling, out stretching 
A green plate of contoured grace.