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Monday, March 23, 2020

Oh how we need poets in these days.

Oh how we need poets in these days.
Putting words to our floundering gaze,
Mind Haunting the fearful maze.

See, soak in the script 
Black on white concisely lit
Take this moment to breathe, to be.

Oh how we need poets in these days.
Breaking pace with frantic waves
Into another’s thoughts and praise,

Shared comfort retold 
Partaking in love’s glance, 
breaking of freshly baked bread, 
warmth of shoulders wrapped in wool, 
boots crunching down the path.

Oh how we need poets in these days
To dispel the fear, the lonely drear
To birth a written Hope, a new song stoked 
Sung to awaken and revive, 
to encounter Love and come alive.
