Work is not always required … there is such a thing as sacred idleness, the cultivation of which is now fearfully neglected.
– George MacDonald
Work is not always required … there is such a thing as sacred idleness, the cultivation of which is now fearfully neglected.
– George MacDonald
Habit number one: daily writing.
What if it was attainable,
What if 7 minutes a day,
or 500 words a day,
a sentence on my phone,
what if this habit could catalyze something?
This intention
this prayer, plea,
to think, to do, to be.
To be alive.
And being fully alive is a driving force of my life...
Present to the moment,
holding space,
What if writing was the way of finding
my way?
I thought I was sad.
Unraveling, uncovering, a deeper hidden thing; insecure, anxious and scared-- of failure, shame, disappointing others.
So when I thought I was sad, I was actually afraid.
Afraid of disconnection: Loosing love. Loosing belonging. As I named the fears I invited Love to come in.
Fear, an invitation?
What if every thought is an energy toward fear
What if, as I become aware, as I take the time to sit with it, I can bring those thoughts to Love and release them? If my feelings follow my thoughts, give me your thoughts, O God! Thoughts more abundant than the grains of sand in the seashore. Thoughts full of goodness and mercy. In my solitude I invite you into each thought, resting with ease in your expanse. As your beloved I can think what you think and feel what you feel and reconnect at any moment, to You, to Love, to your perfect love…. What a place to sit. What a banqueting table to eat from.
I thought I was sad
I was afraid;
so I remembered,
I am loved.