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Sunday, April 30, 2023


I want to look to all the research-
consulting books, the websites, the best practices

What if you are still, and follow my Spirit? 

You are a better guidebook, a wiser advisor, a present consultant for all that is to come

Remember- make up your mind beforehand, not to prepare what you will say. He will give you what to say in the moment. 

Can I walk by faith, not by sight?


Wednesday, April 19, 2023

A new frontier

 في هذا الصورة، شوق

 تفهم النا

 شرارة؛ راحي

 البديهّ عروفني

In this picture, longing

partial understanding

A spark; relief 

the beginning of being known

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Questions and Blessings

If you love women with your free form words
Do you love their curving, inviting mouths and do you love to hear their thoughts? 

I hope you love the feminine with the  strength of your hand 

With you faithfulness 

With your honor, too

With your dove’s eyes 

With your heart’s strength 


To be an ambassador for peace 

To the whole world: that’s your dream. 

Truly, world-wide peace.

I bless you to be one who brings people together 

for understanding

to create peace. 

As you lead the dubkay, I bless you to  lead and unify nations around language, to provide a voice with insight, showcasing the honor and beauty of life, beyond the terrorist cells, the war-torn lands, the earthquaking survivors. 

Oh God, bless this dream.

Bless his speech and his hands and his mind.

.May he know your peace 

Sunday, April 16, 2023


The blood is crying out from both sides of the ground 

But his blood speaks a better word

C.S. Yaeger.- 

— — —


He Is

The dislocated 

And discarded debris 

Of brokenness 

Will be mended 

The unyielding 

Brittle dreams
Of once treasured wonder 

Will yet enthral 

The displaced
And dispossessed
The destitute and the deserted 

Will be welcomed 

The barren landscape 

Sown with blood 

And mined with hatred 

Will bloom once more 

All that is cracked 

Crushed and crippled 

Distorted, damaged and distressed 

Will dance again 

Because he is 

Written By Chris MatthewsBecause he is 

Written By Chris Matthews