is one of my favorite sources for environmental news,
most likely because they understand how I think. Or how I used to think.
As a young environmentalist I used to live under this weight
of guilt and fear over the future state of the environment.
From the evaporation of the Colorado River , the melting of the arctic,
to the saturating of the landfills with recyclable goods-
it all felt urgent and dire, and I would just groan!
There was so much work to be done, so much saving to accomplish.
How could I do it? So reading this brief announcement made me grin
at my former self- and grimace at the many today who are in bondage
(Romans 1:25, Because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie
and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator.)
Throw a little cash toward Grist and absolve your eco-sins Grist readers
are a guilt-ridden bunch. Your environmental peccadilloes Are many,
and you feel awfully bad about them. "I use bleach, thus Transferring stains
from my clothes to my soul," confesses one angst-ridden person.
"I suck at ironing so I take some of my clothes to the dry cleaners,"
Another admits sheepishly. "In my heart, I covet the new Ford Mustang,"
divulges a third. But this trio can now sleep soundly at night --
they've each bought a Grist Indulgence by making a tax-deductible donation
to their favorite environmental magazine. Have you done the same?
Lift that cumbrous weight from your chest: give today!
Give to Grist: Buy a Grist Indulgence (
What is so stunning about this is that it is so true.
Not only are people in bondage, but their conscious’ accuse
them of their sins. And they seek forgiveness through works-
works of giving or biking to work or buying organically…
(I’m being a bit dramatic here, but I think the “dirty” conscious
is a large motivating factor in the “green” world)
Yet through works no man can be justified (Galatians 2:16).
The suffocated conscious grows silent. It is only through
the confession of sins and the turning to Christ-
whose yoke is easy and burden is light- that I could
access freedom. And this freedom (insert freely floating manta ray picture)
while it didn't come instantly- It's growing. And it is good.