"to assume as true certain things that we think are still debatable, such as that global warming is not only real but also almost certainly going to be catastrophically harmful; second, that it is being driven to a significant extent by human activity; and third, that some regime, some international treaty for mandatory reductions in CO2 emissions, could make a significant enough drop in global emissions to justify the costs to the human economy."
So, to clarify the uncertainties:
1. The occurrence of global warming
2. The extent of damage plausible
3. If it is a human induced change
4. How it should be handled
1. I'm uncomfortable that the occurrence of global warming is still an uncertainty. I'll have to ask my scientist friend for the graph of CO2 levels that so clearly relates this.
2. I'm comfortable with the uncertainty about the extent of damage. Different models show different results, and all are estimations. But it would be naive to think that because there is uncertainty, nothing should be done. We should not be paralyzed because we don not know, but mobilized to action- some action!
3. I'm less comfortable with the uncertainty that it is a human induced change. By God's grace I can squarely place the blame of my sin on my own shoulders- not on someone else’s, not on circumstances. I feel like the uncertainty here is wishful thinking.
4. Now, this is a good question! There should be uncertainty about this, but again, uncertainty should not leave us inactive. Pitting the environment against the economy is not necessary, especially for a Christian!! "You cannot serve two masters," Jesus said... "What you lack is that you should sell all of your possessions, give them to the poor, and follow me." We should not value our money and our lifestyle over the future generations, over the poorest of the poor, over loving our neighbor in a radically, cross-exalting way. Who is it that will be most affected if there are global consequences to global warming? Not most of North America and Europe, but the poorest of the poor. What do we see in Kenya, Somalia, and Ethiopia as drought continues? I see the toll of human sin which locally abused the land AS WELL AS an area globally affected by changing climate.
I hope that the NAE leadership will search their heart and heed God's words in Genesis 2:15, "that you are to work the earth and KEEP it." Let's move forward in our stewardship of their earth based on our self-abasing love of Christ. No other reason is more sustaining or satisfying.
(Fruit from the Sorely's Creation Care Work in Kenya)
When I in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.
When through the woods and forest glades I wander
I hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees
When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur
And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze.
Then sings my soul my savior God to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou are
Then sings my soul my savior God to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art.