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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Rocking on

the beautiful AC Newman comments to the lovely Nic Hardcourt on "Morning Becomes Eclectic" about the New Pornographers evolution. Now on their 4th album, he summed up their progression as "it feels like we've been slowly becoming more of what we are."

I love that. They are making music which expressing more truly, more fully, more completely, what their collaboration as musicians means. They are progressing to a truer form of new pornographers. It strikes me as right on. They are not swaying with the trends, not bent on endlessly reinventing themselves, or making concept albums.

They are making rock. And it is good.

It is true on a personal level, too. I think each of us, everyday, is becoming more of who we are. We are making choices everyday which reinforce or alter our identity. The choices I make today affect who the 80-year-old Christine will be. Will she be a hopeful, loving, wise, godly woman who has persevered through the troubles and suffering? Who still loves Jesus and lives for him? Will she endure to the end?

I can't assume I will. I've felt the temptations of the present age quite heavily the last few days... that darn three letter word... and what guarantees that I will become who I want to be?
Only his promise... "that all things work together for the good of those who love him, who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28. Only God's faithfulness. He will bring us to the end. And that is the rock to trust in.