Working at the U of M, there is a lot of bureaucracy. With an "
Office of Service and Continuous Improvement," you don't wonder as much about tuition hikes...
But hopefully there is progress somewhere in the mix. I gleaned this truth from an article where people reflected on the benefits of a leadership class.
"I now better understand how I can help students align their real selves--that is, their actions and behaviors--with their ideal selves, or their values and goals," says Stacy Crawford, assistant academic adviser for the School of Fine Arts.
It boggles my mind that there is such a disconnect between who we are and we want to be. But I see it in myself! There might even be a third aspect-- who we perceive ourselves to be, which is different than who we are and who we want to be.
The training aimed to make people more self-aware, so they can then help others become more self aware-- and hopefully in being self aware, our real selves will become more like our ideal selves.