I was reading a University update and found out that a professor had just won the MacArthur genius grant. I watched a video about her. (I had actually done a paper about her work for a writing class, once, and interviewed her lab manager. It was really cool).
So I perused the genius page. Then, wasting my Friday afternoon away (I should be grading tests right now, actually!) I posted the link on facebook, cause I thought it was cool. I wanted to share it with others. Cause then they would think I was cool. Cause I care about geniuses. (And apparently bad grammar, too, but it's my blog, and I can write how I wanna, just cause.)
Anyway. Then, continuing the facebook face melt, I watched a video a friend had posted by a Pastor in Seattle-- this little known dude named Marc Driscoll. And his video was about the gospel, basically how "we don't do things to get right with God. We don't need religion, and works, and good deeds, or GENIUS. What we need is Jesus. Jesus makes us right with God. HE forgives us, HE makes us acceptable, and HE is our hope.")
That made me feel pretty lame caring so much about geniuses. And about what people on facebook think of me. So I thought I'd blog about it. Which is lame, too. However, moving my focus from worshiping at the feet of geniuses and the world of academia (another form of religious works) is something worth sharing. It's worth praising God.
So I thought, rather than erasing my now regretted facebook newsfeed post, that I would repent and share. All glory to him, whenever I stop looking at my own pile, and looking to Him.