Calamities (including the wind)
I am content with them Everything will be made new, from rubble to wrinkle, stumps to scars
Calamities (including dearest friend's departures)
I am content with them And day and night the saints praise him together
Weaknesses (such as stammering and failure)
I am content with them It is not words of eloquence, but the cross; foolishness, a blockade
Weaknesses (such as lacking a post-grad plan, no job, no PHD, post-doc)
I am content with them I am content to wait on the Lord
Some trust in degrees
Some trust in titles
Some trust in 401(k)s
Some trust in wealth
Some trust in 'having just enough' tomorrow
Some trust in physique
Some trust in charm
Some trust in rings
Some trust in good works
I will not trust in ......
I will set my hope in You
I say this with remorse
I say this with apprehension
(I don't say it at all)
Can I hide under the shelter of Your wings? That is where you rest
Can I lay my hand on your solid foundation? I will never change
Can You show me my adoption certificate? Chosen daughter, bought with a price
Can You show me that I am Yours? You are sealed with My Spirit