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Thursday, June 15, 2017

Stripped me of all my conditions

My love for you depends on my health: Being strong, able-bodied, with energy, without pain, able to sleep, migraine-free, cancer-free, able to have children...
My love for you hangs on my relationships: That my family would spend eternity with you, that you would open blind eyes, that you keep their mental abilities, physical abilities, their health, that you would save...

My love for you is conditional upon you answering my prayers:
Answering my desire for a spouse, for a happy life, good vacations, good food and beer, a good job, good times, peaceful living...

Oh America, America, lukewarm and radiant
Look at your conditions for this Jesus, you make Him
make you great… Guaranteed life, liberty and pursuit of happiness
[That is not in the Bible]. 

What is in the Bible? 

Guaranteed prison cells, starvation, being hated, being sawn in two, wandering about in the skin of sheep and goats, destitution. 

Guaranteed that you will never be left or forsaken, inheritance where moth and rust do not destroy nor thieves can't break in and steal, a room/mansion in the Father's house. 

Oh Christine, Christine, wake up to the reality of this god you say you love
Oh I repent, I repent of these conditions I hold out for you,
They are there, and until they are challenged, until I am broken to surrendering, again. 

In your love, you break me.
Still, I pray. 
Please answer the pleas according to what is best. I will drink the cup.

I’ve made up my mind
and give it to you to keep,
because in my weakness it will breach.

You are a good keeper.