Echoing a Verdross [reluctant] inconsistency
inconstancy, perhaps,
a liquid, livid, languishing girl
crying and cracking
kintsugi material, I'd say with a laugh
an awkward giggle in discomfort of recognizing my own weakness and fragility
let's make light,
let's replenish the drought of certainty with humor
let's laugh at your verbosity and lack of silence, abstinence of stillness
let's make fun of our failures and start again
If we acknowledge weakness, do we have to eat it?
does it taste like shit, so we ignore it,
shame it?
everything around us is dying.
Oh, insecurity, I don't condemn you.
oh, famished tenderling
what are we to do with you
and this bloodied resentment?
where are we to go from here?
He is the only map
we have no other way.
Everything around Him is thriving.
I feel it still, in my garden,
your running, dear, cultivating a culture of competing on 'Empty'-
drybanked this community even in your own
consistent lack of replenishing a
lack of seeing a
lack of poverty of spirit a
pride, le boulet, carried as a spectacle that
'i can go a little further,
'tis only a little exhaustion' blaming
a lack of revelation.
True revelation is reality.
["Everything around you is dying" is a quote from Corey Russell's message at Onething 2018 which I highly recommend].