Fair as Lily
Strong, undaunted
A task to do
Withered flower
Once beheld
By your shining,
Blessing brow
Now such an onset
Of grief until,
Strength died and
Weakness in full.
Then a hand of
Repentance laid,
On sincere heart
And forgiveness made.
Love so blooming
Gently obeying
Shining true
Gaze protracted
From that Fount
The little life,
soon went out
Like a wick
Carelessly quenched
So the cares of this land
Took hold and dwelt
The imperishable seed of Your
Word alone
Brings a steadfast blossom to the world
Mighty is the hand of salvation
Creator, Awaken-er, Redeemer, True
You plant the seed
Of faith you require, and keep it.