Comfort me with your body
Comfort me with your warmth
Comfort me so I will not feel
Swallowed by the void
The chaos outside, the travail
The weeping and gnashing of teeth under the veil
Comfort me with your arms
Comfort me with your smell
Comfort me so I can hear
And remember times of love without fear
Comfort me with your kisses
Comfort me with your touch
Comfort me with your presence
When nothings making sense
Comfort me with a caress
Comfort me with your desire
Comfort me with your will to live
And not give up in the fire
A choice for life in the midst of strife
To love when everything is shaking,
To forgive when everything is breaking
To wait and work for the awakening
Bodily comfort your bride
Your love will not be denied
Harkening the end of the age, Bridegroom of the harvest, come.