In the library of desire, catalogs of historic, modern, contemporary; sex. For Odysseus, irrational seduction until he is out of his xxxxx (controlled by the mind or the belly?) a flame or a furnace? If you shut your ears can you reclaim your self? There is no fire; what is left to return to? Ardent longing, justification for transgressing morality, Faithful to desire alone, not to any bond. Has the satisfaction of a human soul changed over time? What is it that will quench it, by God! O Captain, is it the hunt or the kill? Is it the whale upon your mantle, taunting you in salt-skin from the indomitable sea? Power and pride, esteem and influence, imposing order, conquering the other. To be remembered after you are gone. For freedom while you breathe? Heard in Gaza, the waning desire to live. The cries of children for their children, what life will that generation know? To carry within the land as it was (and always will be), memory fervent and indestructible. Urges; compulsion, loosing the battle. Steady now, what were you made for? Purposed with breath. What is this stirring, to know and be known, for pleasure and for safety, for release and control.