He. (We call you He but what pronoun will suffice?)
He uses. (What can defy Him to be used?)
He uses weak vessels. (What design, beyond comprehension.)
This I can feebly proclaim.
This I can verily say.
He just did it again today,
and I marvel.
Laying a burden heavy on my heart,
that was not lifted until I prayed aloud with a dear sister,
and then getting a note that confirms and thanks me for my petitions!
He knew I needed a note of encouragement, to keep walking in this darkness.
It has felt so dark lately. Constant ups and downs. Weariness.
And now tears spring as His ways seem so much higher than my ways,
His plans so much vaster than my pains.
And it is in weakness I walk and constantly tripping over cracks and sidewalk doubts
Slip and ice and slothfulness,
Oh, but,
This I know,
He uses weak vessels,
Though He doesn't have to, He chooses to.
He chose me.
Not based on anything I've done or do.
Or ever will do.
Rest in this, refresh in this.
Be still.
I will, by His grace, I will.