Lord, to unload the load
that is lording over me
weight of weight
I see less clearly
I see confusion, joy
it’s clear water mixed with clay, you know that turns murky
when you’ve got the current’s velocity
pushing, pulling, transporting sediment
what it’s meant
to do, of course, but
the roots are too few
to hold the particles together
there’s only inches of bluegrass
and a lot of melting weather
so we’ve got a flood on our hands
(our stained hands)
we need a flood from our hearts
(river of Living Water impart)
we need to be washed in wisdom
(not conformed but transformed)
we need to be overlowing in love
(Your bloody love).
Apart from You, woe.
I am lost.
I am undone.
Tossed in confusion, shifting tides;
springs of salt and freshwater combined.
Apart from You, whoah.
I don’t know what to think.
I’m excited for her, doubled in joy.
I’m broken for her, soul destroy.
Oh, my brokeness
I share it with You
to You it’s nothing new
And I lay it down.
And I lay down her’s too.
Not in apathetic resignation, not in giving up
Not in condemnation, shutting up
But in resolution,
on You I will not doubt
For You can make ALL THINGS NEW.
You can do the impossible.
With You it is not done until it’s done.