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Thursday, June 13, 2019


Break the hold of withholding!
Wanting, waiting
My heart is before you unfolding 
I have an obsession 
of pondering 
Until I realize you are surrounding 
Break through to behold me 
Holding fast to the holder 
Me together 
All my inward parts, surrender

With Jeremy Hallowanger 

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Soil of praisegiving

Seven floors of slipping away,
Two scarred women.
I sat in my backyard breathing out prayers
Holding onto your heavy words as to
Shelter your shredded heart
Manifold tragedy wounding anew
Not to mention the headlines heralding
Heft so substantial
Pulling me down, to the soil
And I felt the lift of blossoming peonies,
Fragrance carrying
Eyes enamored by the pentifold
Crouched beneath the lush arch of rippling petals
I will wear beauty like a bullet-proof vest
Clothed in Living Fire
Moving beyond the engulfing mire
Into praisegiving rest.

Monday, June 10, 2019


My most commonly used phrases,
Recalled by my most intimate extension that powers and placates
Communicates my actions;
It’s like an undercover agent
Impersonating me
Simply a caricature of observation, accurately;

Hey I can call him
and let me talk with him
and then I can try and get him there at night to help him
and bring it back around the time
and I’ll plan on leaving at the church
and then we can

Leave it undone, although all of me
Is bent on closure, completing;
Here I am,
Still waiting
Thumbs twitching,

In standby mode,
Apart from me
A part of me
Initiating, moving, and, and