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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

New year’s surrender

Surrender weights of the decade 
Shedding what I don’t need
Guilt and fear;
To be fully alive,
Radiating confidence in the goodness
Of my God unseen 

Monday, December 30, 2019

You Came

You couldn’t be kept from inhabiting flesh
And entering the beautiful mess

You yearned for that day
Willingly gave your rights away

With great, exceeding joy 
Born as a human boy

And exhumed the latent role
Of taking back all the enemy stole

On that night all of heaven exclaimed
The King has come to reclaim!

From a little boy you grew
In stature and wisdom as a Jew 

To a man of sorrows who stood
In the depths of human pain, understood 

Taught and spoke such truth with love
Ate and drank and laughed thereof

How people were drawn to your side
Never was a man so fully alive 

Never fearing or doubting the One
Who sent you to show His compassionate love

For such a joy set before you
You drank the cup we were due

And how you loved being among us
Not disdaining our weakness

Full acceptance, words so gracious 
Calling forth our truest essence 

Setting every captive free
To know you, be known and see

Yeshua—- so worthy of worshipping 
Your coming changed everything

Sunday, December 29, 2019


Christmas cards, milestones
days stilled
contiguous lines
of closely fitted pain
continuous grief
tall like Canyons
slowly built, layer upon layer
an ache
of absence, of space
time can never replace
 "The conversation then drifted, beautifully so, along the contours of deep grief, the kind that lasts decades." -Hank Stuever commenting on Anderson Cooper and Stephen Colbert's conversation.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Across the marsh

To feel alive
Setting out 
Under ancient oaks, open-handed, reaching
Beneath wind torrents from engines filled with businesswomen and escapists 

The quiet reeds, Golden hued in frozen berms 
Returning as rays slant, nose reddened
And fingers clenched 
A hopeful respite for 
unquenchable longing 

Listening and stillness to mend the waiting that stretches
the steadfast stand, not without doubt 
Searching slips, prayers echoed, questions heralding 
Answers loosed
The bird calling across the marsh 

Friday, December 27, 2019

To know

To see the image of God
To know and unknow
The self, myself, with compassion 
Conscious recognition 
To acknowledge and see.

Acknowledging is knowing
Knowledge being to perceive;
Understanding with intimacy.

The embracing 
Setting free.

Thursday, December 26, 2019


P e a c e
Be within you
Over you / under you
Beside you
Ahead of you / behind you 
Shalom encompassing 
Rooting, grounding 
Yeshua Himself our Prince of Peace
Guarding, sustaining 
Restoring and 

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas Eve at the pawn shop

He walks in, pushing a vacuum cleaner or some other device, 
Candy cane pajama pants and a ski jacket at 3pm on Christmas Eve 
I gaze from my car window, wondering 
And pitying

My judgements reek of privilege and accusation 
The distance between us is two car lanes 
The link between us is 
Deep as grace is wide
Storylines without divide.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Truth and revelation

Truth will always bring a revolution 
It’s based in revelation
Illumination; an enlightened sensation 

When truth is revealed the old ways can’t remain 
The revelation calls forth change 

Music that flows from truth will bring the revolution 
It’s the songwriters, beatmakers, the mystics and makers 
The poets and proclaimers
Who will win the change 
The people’s hearts swayed 
By the truth relayed

“It’s not those who write the laws who have the greatest impact on society. It’s those who write the songs.” -Blaise Pascal 

Monday, December 23, 2019


This way of life 
Is a daily climb 
Oh, but the air up here.

I look back; I’ve come so far
I look up; one step at a time 
Take a rest, 
Reach out for a supporting hand, 
Take my time with each foothold.

Slowly by slowly 
I am arriving. 

Sunday, December 22, 2019

When I don’t feel proud of this poem

When I don’t feel proud of this poem
This intentional ordering of words shone 
As inadequate
Close but not quite
Arching hastily 
Indulgent, melancholy
Poor, proud, or a condescending didactic rant

When I don’t feel proud of this poem
At least I tried
I wrote for me, and I released 
You can judge as you please

When I don’t feel proud of this poem
I will keep writing
Words, from the deep, incubated and born from me will keep 
Learning to walk and hastening
To whom ever they’re supposed to reach  

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Walking with you

Winter breath
grateful step
hanging loosely
healing ebb.

When I walk with you
In sync I sift 
and grip
love more tightly.

Friday, December 20, 2019


Full stop

Thursday, December 19, 2019


Cultivate your intimacy
Remember your identity 
You are so easy to love
Your weakness and your wounds don’t disqualify you. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2019


When I take the log out my own eye 
I realize 
How much compassion you have for the striving hamster-wheel-heart 
When I stop pointing my finger at their faults 
And start owning my reactions 
I realize 
How needy I am, God help me to change
How powerful I am, to choose to let go

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


I will speak and remind You that O
My God I’m desperate and this is 
Lousy and heavy and 
Hard and if I don’t know your love I think I’ll 

Monday, December 16, 2019

West on the Broadway (After Wiman)

A shadow jinxing
Under hallowed light glinting

You—ramshackle, divisive 
Broken-down Lowery-toothed

Tobacco fingered rolling cigarettes 
Shin-grinned gums 

Loosed and snarling 
Toward awakening 

Sunday, December 15, 2019


My anchors, weighted cables compacted deep in the soil beneath the family tree 
Are now surfaced. 

Dislodged after years of stability, 
panic strikes me
I try to breathe
it’s a weeping rasp
I gasp as every relationship in my life is recast
retold in the light of the disease. 

Every motivation
effort I’ve made to cure
cause is exposed. 

The futility assaults me. 

I feel so alone
So much pain in this reorienting. 

Where will I anchor? You’re my anchor, Lord. 

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Laying down

I am seeking serenity
It only comes through humility

Below the steeple, voices raised with holy breath
Echo manifold glory 

Expectations descend
Acceptance beckons, hopefully 

The flakes swirl, gently landing on
Dormant ground 

I am laying me down 
It only comes through being found 

Friday, December 13, 2019

I am not alone

It's a field of zinneas cascading into the hills from three years ago.
It's a porcelain music box singing Saint Lucia's song.
It's an orange Ford pickup with a carpeted fold-down backrest, Grandpa's ride, oil and mustiness.
I'm not alone in these memories.

I'm grappling with the remnants
Evil's insinuation "Are you just picking up those dead petals? Aren't you exhuming a body? Dragging along the old?"
The alluring wisp of forgetfulness, a social pressure to put it behind.
"Your grief should be done by now."
I am not alone in waiting.

All these crafted prayers, mistrust and the sheltering of wasps nests.
Here and now,
the bag is closed, the ante tipped over, and the power of my own words break up the crater of death.
All this treading of memories has exhausted me, a tired swimmer far from the shore.
I am not alone in the longing.

I bloom in December
Unbeckoned, my body remembers
My pain exhumed so I can see it in the light
And it's beautiful, this dying, this breaking of decades of acceptance without nuance.
Now adding the details, naming the affliction and the pain is glorious.
I am not alone in taking so long.

Thursday, December 12, 2019


I write, inasmuch
As words are my very life.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


it's an initiation,
this grief
a welcome to the human race

the sorrow, the lament, the surplus of tears
the waking ache
the bleeding grace

dispensed with fearful gait, each lap
i pant "will this soul remain shadowed, held asunder"
past, present, future waits

each lap in the dark middle
the uncertainty cast
the tomb is sealed

until i find the pace
is a litany of the warm sap running
over my heart

it's a reclaiming, the deep crying out
deep responds
with self compassion, warm acceptance

with love deeper
than every gash,
wounds being healed from the inside out

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Piercing me

Piercing me
The weak capturing of being

Accepting haggard reality’s mean
Deeper risk into the unseen

Perception of the truth composed
The reach

Light into shadow
Cutting clean

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

A prayer (Isaiah 42)


Taut cheek lines 
The heaviness of the world in upheaval
The dread of my own lot

The riots, the tear gas, the looting, the shooting, the lies, the widows, the hope, the militia, the rumors, the protests, the street strewn with corpses

Where is the blood that doesn’t stain,
The life that doesn’t die,
The breath that doesn’t wane?

The king whose scepter is righteousness
Who hates wickedness and loves 

Show me this One that came 
Not to remove pain 
But to show the way through

The valley of shadow
The well-laid table 

Goodness and mercy on my heels 
Oh,  to ever be a firebrand 
marked by love.

Like a knife

His burnt humor, the hard and rusty edge that catches me, 
(For I wait for it)

The bitterness 

The mirthless laugh
(The eyes averted in pretense)

I pray:
Healing Balm, restore 
Don’t hang onto the old anymore

This one-sided argument
Half and third with moons apart 

And restless ego 
Blanched Misunderstanding, 

Except for such a lean-to frame, 
that heroic jawline and glinting almond eyes 
I’ll happily melt beside 

Oh, but your mother 
Wicker and unforgetting 

A thin smile beckons and grasps 
With hard edged demands 

I cannot but call on the Name
Whose heart scrapes my intuition 
Like a knife along a black bean pod

The Very musk of life released 
In this petitioning 

Monday, November 18, 2019

Among the lilies

Stark silhouette 
A bulb of nourishment hence you
Came sprouted 
Deep hued leaves garlanding 
To a pinnacle of ivory
Trumpeted Petals 
Commend your rare and exquisite form
Softly vivid, with sharp edges 
Undisputed beauty,
Keen and bright.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Not methods, not plans, but people

What the Church needs to-day is not
more machinery or better,
not new organizations or more and novel methods,
but (wo)men whom the Holy Ghost can use — (wo)men of prayer, (wo)men mighty in prayer.

The Holy Ghost does not flow through methods, but through (wo)men.
He does not come on machinery, but on (wo)men.
He does not anoint plans, but (wo)men — (wo)men of prayer.”

― E.M. Bounds, Power Through Prayer

Sunday, November 03, 2019

I collect

I collect
Of intentions

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Jet-lag faith

Maybe it’s jet-lag 
Crossing half the world in half a day;
Time zones, date lines, Meridian markers.
In one night you wake up on the other side 
And you believe anything is possible
So of course we would hear angel’s songs 
In the late evening living room.

It’s not a too far off sort of miracle,
It’s just a flight away,
A ladder’s width to descend.
The dreamer Jacob saw this,
The Son spoke of it before ascending 
In fact He was welcomed by the such voices 
So the song hasn’t stopped, nor ever-

“Glory to God in the highest,”
Arises, same strains sonneted 
From Bethlehem to Istanbul.
Was it the jet-lag to so easily accept 
The praise that came from mouths unseen?
Simple faith to agree that His flamed-tongued ministers are deployed 

For times such as these? 
To acknowledge by faith
Supernatural song belongs in my vocabulary. 
Awake or jet-lagging
Here or there or in between,  
We say, we hear, we agree; glory be.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Intercession and poetry

My son,
I see your eyes;
Weary and restless.

My son, are you patient enough for poetry? 
To sit for a meal, not just a bite?
To gaze and behold, not just look?
To listen for tones, not just orders?

My son, you have been zealous
Release your bitterness from long waiting
Repent your frustration from circumstance 
Restore your heart to first love 
Out of your emptiness I invite you to My rest.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Who else does this
Puts their precious words out 
Like bread for ducks 
The flock quacks, bites, squabbles 
Until they are gone 

Sunday, October 13, 2019


Queued bodies
Shuffling between lobbies 

Ground to sky cadence 
Transference or transcendence 

Body’s creases 
Mind’s semblance ceases 

To be under dateline conventions
Air-pressure tensions

Gaining, losing 
GMT arithmetic proofing

A Chronology of before, now, and further seems
Forever dreams 

Was it the end of the world or 
The beginning 

Friday, October 11, 2019

Lemon Verbena

Nicole’s garden, past Damascus Gate
Tranquility abiding in the midst of the bustling and honking; striving 
The sun filters past the branches, a shifting mosaic of shadows 
By season she taught and loved the precious children, ones broken and set aside, disfigured, hurting She blew a refreshing breeze over them, 
And they grew in her care
Now she grows herbs, flowers, 
Cultivated beauty, stacked pots meandering
Shaded by Lemon Verbana
She makes tea from fresh crushed leaves 
For old friends
She grows peace in Jeruschalajim
May she know Peace in Jeruschalajim

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Waiting bones

Kidron Valley lined with bones upon bones
generations in tombs of stone 
Facing the gate for the coming One
We wait for the waiting to be done

Sunday, October 06, 2019

In the desert

The worst is the ‘shoulds’
The swollen feet
The impatient glares 
The graceless margins, famished for kindness
How can you grow love in the desert? 
One tear at a time 

Friday, October 04, 2019

Palms raised

One understandable phrase, ‘Amerika’ from the driver’s radio
Rumbling of Central Station buses exiting the ramp
From the third seat, my eye level with rooftops where
The fan palms raise their laughing branch in unceasing thanks
Awoken day by day 
Sun’s rays gathering from fragments of night, 
Sideways past the pain with clever perk 
Kneeling, out stretching 
A green plate of contoured grace.