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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Yum Yum Yum Eat Local

it won't save the world.
But you'll feel darn good about it.

Minnesota Grown Launches Improved 2009-2010 On-line Directory

The MDA's Minnesota Grown Program just launched a new and much improved online Minnesota Grown Directory statewide directory of farms, farmers markets, orchards and others who market directly to the consumer.
The improvements make it much easier for consumers to find farms and markets in their area, get and print travel directions using Google Maps, print specific listings or to e-mail listings to friends. The new online Minnesota Grown Directory also has several enhancements for listed farms, including the ability to add a farm logo, farm picture and a thumbnail of the farm's homepage. Farms can also add special announcements and events without changing their printed listings.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Earth day does not move me like it used to

I'm not sure why. I just wasn't that excited about it this year. Am I getting old and cynical and bitter? Or just a little tired of "green" canvas bags from urban outfitters? And earth salvation silver bullet headlines? I've been challenged about living out sustainability daily by a co-worker-- whether it is getting off my butt to unplug my cell phone charger when not in use, or to buy sustainably raised chicken and local vegetables when possible. I agree with these things. But do I do them? A little accountability helps.

I guess what I'm really sick of is the shallow concepts of "picking up garbage and planting trees" cause I don't need a special day to do it. I want that to be part of my lifestyle...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Until man duplicates a blade of grass, nature can laugh at his so-called scientific knowledge

Says Thomas Edison. I think it's God that's laughing at the hubris of man. The more we explore, the less we know. And the more we know about the minute features of creation, the more complexity we find. But Edison had it right... our knowledge is imperfect. The linked article is a very interesting look into the unsolved mysteries of photosynthesis.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Word Cloud

How cool is this?

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Marimba impressions

Padre, Padre
I heard you singing
did you memorize me
behind your eyes?
friend, friend,
we have walked long
beside each other
this year-seminal-
the river crests even higher-crier-
than it ever has before.

Padre, Padre
We hear the marimba
it floats up from below
dances, hips swaying
she moves with the notes
friend, friend
throuh silence and sighs
we make our plans
Padre, Padre
we remember.


Four mallets, paired in hand
for percussion
a cussing-vier-out-loud
until virations
drownd out

a blush; brush; tap; bounce
a hit; slap; stab; slam;
from hush to hound
a sound becomes found
in hearts
& minds.