This is pretty personal, but it may be helpful to share. Or it may just be insight into my sinful psychosis! Ahhh well. I’m just hanging out, praying through a new crush, in this ridunkulous cycle that plagues me! I wish I didn’t have to deal with this, I say. Well, let’s fess up that this is an area I really struggle with, and especially need his sufficient grace. “Trust in the lord all ye saints, trust in the lord! Those who fear him have no lack….” Psam 34
1. Don’t worry about x’s long term goals, God is in charge of that
2. Don’t worry about winning x’s affection. If the Lord stirs his heart, the Lord will do that
3. Yes, this might be a good match, but you don’t know anything! The Lord knows!
4. Yes, you like being around him, but that doesn’t mean you are meant to marry him!
5. I pray that you would take him off my heart, or put me on his
6. I pray that I would not become a conniving jealous scheming woman around him, but relax and rest in you Lord and be myself!
7. I pray you would take away my distracting “scenario/fake conversation” thoughts or help me fight them
8. I pray you would replace those thoughts with thoughts of loving Jesus and serving other people
9. What can stop the Lord from doing this-- nothing?
10. I will wait upon the Lord
11. I will trust the Lord
12. I will cry out to my God
13. I will praise my God
14. I will not worry or fret
15. The Lord pursues me
16. The Lord’s affections are for me
17. The Lord is good
18. The Lord is always good
19. His mercies endure forever
20. I do pray for x, and that you would be with him and strengthen him- he would feel your love and passion and abide in you