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Sunday, October 14, 2012


A material definition of poverty harms both the materially poor and non-poor. -Steve Corbett & Brian Fikkert

sinks in between the cement cracks and weeps
into soil compacted
every particle; saturated
with broken relationships
to earth
to fellow human
to self
to God.

Nothing stills the gaping lack
until the blood spilled
right through the cracks
overtook the thoughts
with light
shone in: mending
every broken relationship: pending
reconciliation with their Creator

with earth
with fellow human
with self
with God.

Righting every wrong
Adjusting every song
so every lung praises
every breath raises
 the Name of Jesus
from every people.

Simple? No.
But status quo will only show
cycles of pride and destruction
Only One Hope- not in a dollar nor a heavy yoke
Only One Hope- in turning and forgiving
Admitting my own poverty is the seed that can break the cement lies
Son-rays grow and fertilized in the blood of truth

joy in restoration
in earth
in fellow human
in self
in God.