photo courtesy of the Loom Project
You are not indifferent to us, no, JESUS you are continually desiring us. Spirit, break out and mark us with grace-oriented lives, born out of experiencing your lavish love and delight in us, You wash us clean by Jesus' blood. You are the Eternal One. All POWER is in you. All power to heal. All power to set free from fear. From sin. Break out freedom in our Identity in Christ, healing, and the power of belonging to you. Our truest friend. We are your people, you are our God.
This is the "written out prayer" birthed from listening to "Spirit Break Out" and praying for His words to come through me... (and highly influenced by a line about grace that struck me during a sermon about hospitality I listened to). This was almost not read aloud to the congregation this morning-- the fact that it was is worthy of praising him for! I'm so grateful for a man of God willing to respond and insist on discussions, to battle not against another brother, but with them, wrestling, for truth. I'm thankful there are different view points. And grace. This is about grace. I've been meditating on this picture that somehow grace is the key that unlocks the door of rest..... of dwelling in his presence. It is something unearned. Just the image of a key unlocking a door and stepping in is rich for me. I want to live in that place of grace, and want that for my church.
We seek Your face on this pilgrimage, Stir up hunger for intimate fellowship, encountering You and being satisfied in you day by day so grace overflows in blessing others. Not out of duty, not out of guilt. You are the One worthy and jealous for the affections. Break out with encounters so we can't be satisfied in anything less, we can't be distracted. You have made your home in us. You took risk for us, opening all of your heart, let us love and take risks for others.
And then all this praying overflowed in to prose:
Now (do you hear this) As the Holy Spirit He lives within us
One God, Eternal and Triune!
Oh, how hospitable our God!
He has invited us in.
He has prepared a meal to sup with us. Forever!
We are his people, he is our God
We are the bride, he is the groom
We are the harlot whom he redeemed
We are the orphan whom he adopted
We are the lost sheep whom he found
How great is your love
I need, I need, I need an encounter with you
and You are breaking through, Jesus.
(This is still true, too-late on this Sunday night. I still need an encounter(s)/continual encountering and you ARE breaking through, Jesus. Amen).
And then all this praying overflowed in to prose:
As the Angel of God He visited us
As the Son of Man He dwelt among usNow (do you hear this) As the Holy Spirit He lives within us
One God, Eternal and Triune!
Oh, how hospitable our God!
He has invited us in.
He has prepared a meal to sup with us. Forever!
We are his people, he is our God
We are the bride, he is the groom
We are the harlot whom he redeemed
We are the orphan whom he adopted
We are the lost sheep whom he found
How great is your love
I need, I need, I need an encounter with you
and You are breaking through, Jesus.
(This is still true, too-late on this Sunday night. I still need an encounter(s)/continual encountering and you ARE breaking through, Jesus. Amen).