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Wednesday, August 08, 2018

This kitchen

Through the kitchen window, 
Barb brisks about, here and there,

Shawntel fills up soapy buckets, Debbie organizes desserts,

Michelle makes snacks for the Sunday school children.

These women,

new to this kitchen,

With hands familiar for the tasks, 
hearts willing.

My eyes are spilling as I measure the legacy,

Cups and quarts, hundreds of meals
Generations, aproned and humming

The keys unceremoniously passed

To Clarissa, Elise, Danica,

from Darla, Mavis, and Margaret, 

From the ones before them 
and before them.

Arriving early in the morning, cleaning late into the afternoon,

the stomachs filled and the connections made,

hands clasped and prayers said

over this broken bread.