There is a sinking feeling of disgust in my gut over this! So apparently American celebrities deserve to own-- the moon? What a joke! This speaks to me about the fleeting nature of humanity, how sinful and futile our efforts really are, and how foolish it is that we feel deserving of owning anything. (Acts 17:24-25 The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in shrines made by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all men life and breath and everything.) Read below..
Music Awards Guests Get Piece of Moon
Lindsay Lohan, Will Smith, Missy Elliot and the dozens of other entertainers that are either presenting or performing at the award show will each be given a gift basket that contains nearly 100 free items - including ownership of an acre of land on the moon.
The gift bags will also include clothes, perfumes, watches, Blackberries and other various electronics - adding up to a total value of approximately $33,000. They were assembled by Hollywood Connections, a gift bag specialist.
The moon "ownership" is done by a company called Lunar Federation that plans to have the first private mission to the moon, thereby allowing it to create a Moon government and secure land rights - or so it claims. Steve Stein of Hollywood Connections, though, acknowledges the gift is more for fun than anything.
The 33rd annual special will air live from the Shrine Auditorium in
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