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Friday, September 22, 2017

'Gram Words

Words grow where there is room, filling cracks like dust. Dust becomes soil, and seeds can take root.

Some words from Instagram:

Soul's rest in beauty found,
whether ink or drink or ground.
Give me eyes so I might right see,
and resound in praise for Thee.

Summer's ebb is filled with sweetness.
Equinox drums, quenching brightness.
The dying orb, it catches sorrow,
with jibe and tack,
until stars are wrestled awake
and the wake is stilled,
tucks us into rest.

That Passover evening long ago,
the day of trial, torture, angry blows.
Forsaken pride and giving up;
that final breath.
Profound, mysterious, in flesh,
God met death.

Faintly frozen, sunrise beckons.

Parts of my life in sun, parts in shadow.
Overcome me with grace.

beauty in the breakdown/winter's ebb

Hear the sound of rushing water.
Spring fed creek on Gideon Pond's site next to the Refuge.
Reminder that things move underneath the surface, that God answers eagle visit prayers,
and their song is echoes and cascades of water and laughter.

Sometimes I have no words. I go and put my hand on the trunk of a tree that is older than my 32 years and will live beyond my 80-odd years. I take a breath, and then another.
I pray.
I cry.
I try to trust in someone I can't see, whom I believe and have staked my life on,
who is not confused by the swirling, mad times.
And still the tree is there, respiring, and I'm here, breathing,
and I'm saying and singing that I will be thankful.

Fear collapses, friendship bearing the weight of a human heart.

A time for war, battles and weariness;
a time for peace, healing, restoration.
At the river we waited,
beside the life-giving wonder we rested,
spontaneous and right. 

The blossoms hung,
strung with twine.
Above a stream of passing time.

6.25.16 [haiku]
Ripe, full drupes
Delight tongue and
eyes orbs of beauty

never forgotten by the One who sees,
my name grave in his hand

Waking life/light at dusk
remembers whispers swaying,
kneeling blue embers.

the magenta globes dance above the river before opening,
the flourish before death to spread life.

The great light seen (simply reflecting).
The lesser lights stream, arching a pathway.
Will you look up or will you just follow?

Buds creep in the midst of death, push through decay to the light.

 "Are you not from everlasting, O Lord my God, my Holy One? We shall not die." Habakkuk 1:12
The body gone from earthly sight,
the laughter heard no more.
With new eyes and heavenward gaze we have hope forevermore.
Noelle Buller is alive!
Today we celebrate her earthly life.

Prepared you have my heart,
set ablaze to gaze
at yours.