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Monday, February 23, 2015

Meditative Dishwashing

"Stop striving for the position of sonship you've already attained."

Thank you, Holy Spirit, for a truth like this to meditate on during the morning dishwashing. I highly recommend listening to the prayer room ( and worshipping and praying while dishwashing... don't waste those "mundane moments"! He answers in the most beautiful and unexpected ways!

Seasonally, the Lord is circling me back the truths of how I live out of an orphan heart (striving for a Father's acceptance) to a Child's heart (trusting and resting in the acceptance and love of the Father).

The good news is this- Jesus paid a costly price to take away my shame, purchase my redemption and adoption. It is finished. I am secure. I belong to the Father.

Father, Abba, God, help me to stop striving for acceptance I already have in you.  Thank you for Your goodness to me, in calling me to be Your daughter. Thank you that You delight in me (Isaiah 62) and I can believe on that and revel in it. Even during the dishes. Especially while returning to work on Monday. Thank you in Jesus' Name.