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Sunday, February 01, 2015

The frustration of silence

The frustration of silence.

To ask a loving father for a fish, and open-handed wait, until I am fed, can be trying.

Others cry, "He will give you a stone!" And another, "go teach yourself to fish," or "go down to the market, buy it!"

I look back and forth, my hands tremble. I've asked- did I use the wrong words? Did He not hear? Do I not want the fish enough?

My hands are clutched now, in tears, I've succumbed to doubting and am ready to run, to get out of here-

How could I have thought to ask him in the first place?

And then-
A fish.

One connection further down the road... the journey continues.

Let's make a history together/ Let's get to know one another
As you come to know me, You'll come to trust me / I reveal myself along the journey 
-James Kufeld via JT Ihop Session June, 2013.